Empowering Small Business Web sites for Under $25 a Month |
Sand Dollar Digital Design, Inc.
Articles and Help for your Web Site
It is in our best interest to see YOUR web site succeed! We have created a number of newsletters and articles to help share what we have learned. Also, here you will find additional help concerning your site as it is hosted on the Sand Dollar Digital Design, Inc servers. |
Why are there no e-mail links on any of the sites Sand Dollar designs?
In years past, web developers put links to email addresses on web sites because there were very few reliable ways to provide an electronic contact link. That link would tell the browsers computer to open the mail program they use (like Outlook, Outlook Express or Eudora) and start an e-mail to the person indicated in the link.... { more }
Useful Tools from Sand Dollar Digital Design, Inc. |
Click Image to Enlarge |
Looking for a new PASSWORD that is unique and secure??
In making passwords one runs the risk of making one that is easy to guess. Our Savidese Creator builds words that look like they could be pronounced but are totally random.
Get your passwords from the automated password creator developed by the team at Sand Dollar Digital Design, Inc.
Offering quality web services for the Small Business owner |
Sand Dollar Digital Design, Inc.
With presence in Destin, Florida and 573 Madison 1421 Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632
Call Us At: (479) 253-6684
Us by Email |
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by the team at Sand Dollar Digital
Design, Inc. ©July 2014
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Dollar Digital Design, Inc. |