Why does Sand Dollar Digital Design, Inc. stand among the best Web Site Developers.
Ever since the beginning of Sand Dollar Digital Design, Inc. in the late 90s David and Jennifer Bailey have built and developed every aspect of their services with the Small Business Owner in mind. This is clearly illustrated in two aspects of the business during the past two decades: Costs and Service.
CostsThere are a few costs in the process of creating, maintaining and hosting a web site. Among the most common are:- Hosting of a Web Site.
- Registration of a domain name for a Web Site. (i.e. yourname.com)
- Hourly charges for work performed by the Sand Dollar Digital Design, Inc. team.
Cost for Hosting a Web Site.Over the years we have seen a wide fluctuation in the price for hosting a web site. In the humble beginnings of the World Wide Web in the mid-1990s this service was rare and it was not uncommon to hear of places that charged thousands of dollars each year and even each month to host and maintain a business's web site. Back then the job was very labor intensive and any updates required special knowledge of HTML programming. It was a different time!
Today there are more tools available at many levels of required skill from the beginner/novice all the way up to trained professionals that specialize in web development.
When Sand Dollar Digital Design, Inc. was finding its niche the team decided early on to focus on the Small Business Owner and their needs as they develop and grow their budding future. Obviously, most average or even brand new Small Business could not afford thousands for a web site so we found ways to accommodate that need for less than $20 per month. By 2002 the price was finally set at $18.95 a month (paid yearly) and has not changed in over 15 years!
At that time we saw the lowest average prices for web hosting in history and those prices have changed little ever since aside from standard rates of inflation. In our efforts to continue to do our best for the Small Business our hosting prices have not changed at all during that time.
These days (2016, 2017, 2018) average pricing for a quality template site will run between $250 to $500 per year. This includes many of the same services provided by Sand Dollar Digital Design, Inc. and frequently is limited to one to five pages.
The prices found at Sand Dollar Digital Design, Inc. are still below the industry's minimum average but offer far more capability with more pages, more images and more content. Currently, sites hosted on our servers contain up to hundreds of pages with room for far more where desired.
Registration of a domain name for a Web Site.It is easy to find a wide range of prices for domain name registration. This is a fee normally paid once a year and range from 'included with hosting' to a few hundred dollars. Currently and for the past decade or more, the average is about $25 per year. Again, in the effort to find any way we can help the Small Business Sand Dollar Digital Design, Inc. only charges $20 per year.
Hourly charges for work performed by the Sand Dollar Digital Design, Inc. team.Hourly rates vary greatly for work done to maintain and update web sites for clients but the first thing Sand Dollar Digital Design, Inc. kept in mind was how to deliver that ability into the hands of small businesses that can type their own text and take their own pictures.
Enter Web SPeED, a system created from the ground up to be simple enough for the beginner to use and perform nearly any task necessary in maintaining a successful web site! There are never charges for the use of this system which we accomplish through complete in-house development eliminating licensing fees that plague many web services.
All that being said, though, Sand Dollar Digital Design, Inc. is still available to help when needed. Whether it is for more complicated tasks or even the simple ones with which clients need help our team is available. As with all other charges we fall below the industry average of nearly $100 per hour.
ServiceThe team at Sand Dollar Digital Design, Inc. is always mindful of the level of services we provide as compared to the industry and continually strive to stay among the best out there. It is part of our business structure that we have a limit to the number of client web sites we will host. We know specifically how many clients we can always be there for and have stayed within those parameters over our history spanning nearly two decades, something that few web hosts can claim.
ConclusionWe are proud of our service and pricing and how it is continually designed specifically with the small business budget in mind. The core of our service has always been to help small businesses grow and succeed, something we mention frequently when introducing our company to all prospective and existing clients. Sand Dollar Digital Design, Inc. was started for this very purpose in the late 90s by Jennifer and David and it is still considered as most important in everything we do. How Your Web Site Works |